Unlock Executive Opportunities: Let Top Roles Find You!
Get instant access to my recruiter-approved Executive Visibility Playbook for $27
Get everything you need to attract more job opportunities today! Ebook + Video Walkthrough
Executive Visibility Playbook on sale!
Today Only: $27
What’s Included:
High Performing Profiles - Attract relevant job opportunities with examples, prompts, and step-by-step guidance to help you write a powerful profile and start getting found by the right recruiters.
Career Boosting Connections - Connect with target employers with my step-by-step strategy to gain 75 new connections every week.
Outreach Scripts - Tried reaching out and still being ignored? Get my recruiter-approved scripts, which have significantly boosted response rates for my clients.
These professional brand-building strategies work even if you have a limited network -- and especially if you already tried networking, and it hasn’t worked for you.
Plus, Amazing Bonuses:
Bonus Explainer Videos walking you through the profile set-up, plus my signature connection strategies.
Bonus 'Top of Mind' Strategies to boost visibility across your network and garner even more support during your job hunt and beyond.
Bonus Daily Activity Plan so you know exactly how to spend your time to open doors.
Bonus Training "Land Executive Interviews" with job market insights and insider tips from a recruitment expert on what successful executives are doing to get noticed for leadership roles.
All Sales are Final. No Refunds.
“My profile views are up 500%, I have gotten 40 connection requests...and my posts have garnered at least 4500 views double digit comments and likes. The first industry post I did has 15,000 views.”
- Dan N.
VP of Finance
“My network has been growing 2x to 736 now, and when we started it was 300.”
- Michael G.
Executive Director