Interviews on TAP
Use my system to land interviews consistently without applying to hundreds of jobs online. Discover how to efficiently leverage LinkedIn to get a foot in the door at target companies, using the exact tools, outreach frameworks, and strategies that thousands of my clients have used to generate amazing job offers.
Here's what you'll discover:
How to set up your LinkedIn profile to land in 100+ searches per week
How to strategically grow a network and get a foot in the door at target companies
How to organize and systematize your job search to always have a strategy for the day
How to never worry about job hunting again because you have reliable, repeatable systems to get noticed and find hidden jobs
60-Day Money Back Guarantee
I am confident that my system will make your job search more effective. All I ask is that you work the plan. If you don’t feel that my system has delivered on this goal within 60 days, I will refund your money.
Disclaimer: This only works if you put in the effort. If you are not willing to put in the work to be successful, don’t buy this.
A: You will receive an email immediately after your purchase giving you the link to access your membership portal with all of the files and videos.
A: You have lifetime access.
A: No! It’s a one-time payment of only $247.
A: I stand by my 100% money-back guarantee within 60 days of purchase. No worries. But, I will also tell you that I’m obsessed with bringing the best product to market that I can. If you have a suggestion please let me know.
A: Schedule it into your calendar and remember “A goal without a plan is just a wish!” I’ve made it as easy as possible to take action with all of the templates and tools inside of this product, but you’ve still got to combine the ingredients to bake the recipe. You’ve got this!
A: You don’t have to be! That’s exactly why I created this product – to walk you through all of the steps to create your authentic story and guide you on how to fit this information into your search campaign.
A: Some clients report more clarity around how to talk about themselves in interviews. My comprehensive interview preparation course is here.
A: I recommend that active job seekers spend at least one hour per day on LinkedIn™. You choose how much time you want to devote to searching. Obviously, the more time you spend, the faster you will see results.
A: No. I have plenty of clients who have conducted a confidential search online without tipping off their current employer. Engagement is not required, but it sure helps!
A: No problem. We will cover how to build and grow a relevant network filled with industry professionals.
A: I will walk you through how to do this and provide profile samples and writing prompts.
A: It does not – that’s covered in my live coaching program.
A: Yes! They say the best time to search for a job is when you already have one. Knowing how to leverage the platform NOW can actually save you a ton of time when you are ready to launch a search. In fact, it may save you from ever having to "search" again. That's the power of leverage on LinkedIn™.
© Career Inspo 2024